Tuesday, September 30, 2008


no changes since last time. mainly because i've been hobbling along on a sprained foot (notice i did NOT say ankle) for 2 weeks.

pulled out an exercise video i had purchased for my mother where the old folks can do the exercises at various levels of mobility (including sitting down should they need to) so i'm gonna do that and hope that after a day of icing and compression on the messed up foot, i can get back to walking at a reasonable pace as opposed to a sluggish lurch.

i contacted a person that i'm familiar with through a workout club of sorts and have asked for their assistance in finding a possible "coach" or mentor in my area who uses the same types of workouts (the beachbody line of fitness media). reaching out or sticking my neck out, not sure there is much of a difference. basically, it has to be done.

another area i'm struggling with is the planning meals. i'm too lazy for my own good. i have to motivate myself to cook healthy meals and snacks in advance and put the time into preparation.

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